In today’s blog, we thought we’d share some of our tips for learning beauty therapy online from the comfort of your home.
So last week, we announced the launch of our partial online beauty therapy courses! Since then, we’ve had loads of questions from students and potential students about adjusting to online learning.
Learning Beauty Therapy Online with Ray Cochrane
When it comes to learning beauty therapy online, we understand it can be hard to comprehend. Since it’s such a practical subject however, there is a lot of theory to be learnt! Which is why our online beauty course is not like any on the market, we are incorporating online theory learning with in-person practicals. To find out more about how you can learn beauty therapy online with Ray Cochrane Beauty School, click here.
Online learning is a way for students to learn new skills in a flexible environment and, whilst that might sound great for some people. Others may find it quite daunting and off-putting!

Everyone learns in their own way. Some students need a structure to learn, whilst others can motivate themselves and allocate their time efficiently. Some work more visually and some work better with text-heavy documents.
These differences lead us to our first tip!
1) Own Your Learning Style
Do you respond better by seeing lessons demonstrated? If so, you’re probably a visual learner.
Visual Learners
You remember and understand information by sight. You will enjoy seeing what you are learning rather than reading or hearing about it.
- Use pictures to associate with words.
- Draw pictures to explain new concepts (with a little text fo reference)
- Colour code your learning materials.
Auditory Learners
These are students that learn by hearing and listening, it’s easier for you to remember what you’ve heard.
- Use flashcards (read aloud) to retain information.
- Read your assignments/learning materials out loud.
- Refrain from auditory distractions when studying
Regardless of your learning style, learning beauty therapy online is easy at Ray Cochrane. Our teaching plan has accounted for the various learning styles mentioned above.
Our theory is delivered online using live zoom classes, imitating the high-quality in-person teaching at Ray Cochrane. Tutors will visually and verbally explain learning materials to students over the video call. The live classes will allow students to ask questions if they do not understand something.
2) Manage your time properly
A lot of people feel that with online learning, they can leave everything to the last minute. YOU WILL REGRET THIS.
Students should stick to a structure that works for them.
- Set aside a designated time for learning and revision. You may find that breaking it up into 2-hour blocks, 3 days a week works for you. Instead, you might work better by doing an hour every day
- Keep an eye on your deadlines! Make notes on your calendar for your deadlines and add reminders so you never miss a deadline.
- Try turning your phone on silent or facing it upside down when studying. Our phones can be quite distracting at times, especially when our brains are tired.
At Ray Cochrane, our beauty therapy online learning is scheduled. Every week, your classes will be at a designated time allowing you to manage your time efficiently!
3) Take a Break
Looking after your physical and mental wellbeing is detrimental for an immersive online learning experience.
It can be hard to concentrate on your studies if your mind is cluttered.
- Schedule breaks to refresh your mind. Getting up and going for a walk, going outside for fresh air will help you remain concentrated when you come back.
- Eat, sleep and drink as normal! There is no point in tiring yourself out to fit in more studying, it will just burn you out in the long-run.
4) Socialise
A lot of learning is to do with networking, meeting others who are interested in the same things you are. Despite moving to online learning, you should still get to know others on your course!
Building Rapport with your tutors will also help you feel more confident in asking them questions or if you have any problems.
- Introduce yourself to others on your course! They are a big part of learning beauty therapy, especially when it comes to practical studies. Getting to know others on your beauty therapy course will help, especially when it is time to study for exams!
- Engage in classes. Tutors want to know that you are interested in what they are teaching. It can be difficult for your tutors to gauge if you are paying attention if you don’t engage!
Regardless of if you will be studying beauty therapy online or just having to adjust to your classes being temporarily online, these tips will come in handy!
Start learning beauty therapy online today. At Ray Cochrane we are currently offering the following courses with online theory training: