Dear Students,
I hope you are all keeping in good health. We are very happy to be back in the school building and pleased with the progress each group has made since our return. It’s almost like you never left!
As you may or may not be aware, the Government has released further non-statutory guidance on the wearing of face coverings in schools.
This guidance takes effect from 17th May 2021, stating that it is no longer necessary to wear masks in classrooms and other communal areas within an educational institute.
However, as a school, we feel that the risk of new variants of the COVID-19 virus remains high. We do not wish to act prematurely by following this new guidance. We are concerned that if we do, we could be at risk of causing further disruption and delay to your classes should symptoms occur or infections start to rise within the school.
Therefore, we have decided that the wearing of masks will continue to be mandatory for all staff and pupils at all times in the school building. Visors need to be worn during close contact treatments. The rules regarding PPE for close contact services has also not changed. If you are medically exempt from wearing a face covering, you will not have to wear a mask. Please do ensure you make your tutor and the office aware to avoid any confusion.
As always, we are monitoring the ongoing situation and will review our stance over the next few months.
We hope you understand it is with safeguarding our pupils and staff being of the utmost importance that we are moving forward with this decision.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the administration staff in the school office or myself.
Wishing you the best of health,
Kind Regards,
Xubin Yuan
School Director