Kick your skincare routine into high gear with these blemish-busting and pimple-preventing tips to get flawless skin by the time you head back to school.
1) Always wash your face before bed. Not washing away the day’s grime? You’re asking for a breakout. Stash cleansing wipes on your nightstand for nights when you’re too tired to move.
2) Don’t skimp on sudsing. Wash your face for 30 to 45 seconds with a dime-size amount of cleanser. That’s how long it takes to clear dirt and oil off your face.

3) Use lukewarm water when washing your face. Hot water dries out your skin, and cold water won’t open up your pores.
4) Be gentle. Scrubbing too hard leaves skin rough and red. Don’t fight with your face. Skip harsh scrubs and even wash cloths, which can be too rough on your face and can cause irritation. Use your hands instead. Be sure they’re clean, or you’ll transfer acne-causing dirt and oil right back!
5) Suds up your cleanser in your hands first. It helps activate the ingredients, so they are more effective when applied to your face!

6) Don’t skip your morning wash! Hairstyling products get absorbed by your pillowcase then transfer to your skin—if it’s not cleared away in the A.M., it’ll clog your pores!
7) Try a cleansing brush. Sometimes even after you wash, there’s makeup left on your skin, and that build up leads to breakouts! Using an exfoliating brush with your basic cleanser loosens and removes the leftover makeup that has seeped inside your pores! The brush can get deeper into your skin than just your soaped-up fingers.
8) Don’t overwash. If your skin still feels oily, instead of washing again (which can make your skin produce even more oil!), try an astringent after cleansing.

9) Exfoliate. The trick is to remove the layers of dead skin cells and dirt that are blocking your pores—and your skin’s natural glow. Products with alpha hydroxy and lactic acids exfoliate gently to make you look radiant.
10) Wash, then exfoliate. When washing, first use a mild face wash to cleanse your skin. Then, lightly massage exfoliator onto your face. This may seem redundant, but before you exfoliate, you want a clean canvas, so that the exfoliant can focus on digging out the stubborn dirt and oil that are stuck deeper inside your pores.
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